Tuesday, October 5

4:35 pm
Buenos Aires Airport

Waiting for flight to depart for Sao Paulo.  Nice to have an extra day off between shows, good for voice and soul.    Had a peaceful day yesterday, just hanging around the hotel, doing some shopping, a little work, nothing much.  Other than missing Cate.  Called her late last night for a little assistance with my evening “activities” (ha ha).  She told me she will be really busy today and tomorrow and might not be able to call.  Hope she doesn’t go out with local police or something like that.  Trying not to think about it, will just make myself crazy again.  Will just wait for her to call.

Richie and I went out this morning to look at some art for his house in Laguna.  Tico recommended a local artist, called around yesterday to find a gallery that carried his stuff.  Beautiful paintings; vibrant colors, very evocative.  I ended up buying a painting for my office.  Rich bought a few things too. 

Of course we were tailed by the press and fans.  We posed for a few shots before Mike had to peel this one blonde off of me so we could leave.  She kept telling me she wants to have my baby, begging me to make love to her.  I kept telling her I’m married, but she was determined.  Nice ego boost, huh?  Cate will laugh at that. 

After the gallery we went to a jewelry store Abby found the other day.  Bought an absolutely beautiful bracelet for Cate; trying to decide whether to give it to her when she gets home or keep it for Christmas present.  I’ll probably give it to her now—I’m too impatient to wait three whole months to see her reaction.  I love to see her smile. 

Just took a minute to call the office – hard to believe it was four years ago today that the Soul Foundation opened its doors.  We’ve accomplished so much, but there’s much, much more to do.  One of my proudest accomplishments, to be sure. 

Finally taxiing!  Maybe we’ll make it to Brazil before bedtime after all…

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