Saturday, June 11

2:35 am

heh heh heh heh.

just skyped Cate again.

I like skype.  its easy.

can even do it aftr a bottle of wine.  And without my pants.=

Cate laghed at me and told me I'm crazy but she loves me annyway. I told he I played her song and she said she knew and she loves me and thankyou.

She said I look HOT in the pictures she saw from the show. I told her I know Im HOT.  Wife likes my sunglasses and my rubber shirt.

its not realy rubber.

But she said its tight. she likes that but she can see my love handels when I wear it.

I told her I rather she see my Luve Muscle. heh heh heh.

But she woudnt let me show her my love Muscle on skyp.  Say its too easy for people to steal the signal and maybe see me nakked.  Said she would just close her eyes and imagin me naked.

sonofabitch!!  Stupid geeks spoil all my dirrty fun.

But I moo ned  her anyway.  Ha ha.

Goin to bed now  Tired

10:40 pm

Laying around my suite, watching a movie and rubbing my belly.  My tummy hurts.  Too much German food. I'm farting like a bean-eating camel, even after a half a pack of Tums.

And I discovered today Russell doesn't like sauerkraut or weinerschnitzel.  Apparently he texted Romey and told him that.  I suspect it's because Romey doesn't like sauerkraut.  Hmmm.

But Romey did like the pic I sent him of Russell, sitting on the shoulder of the polka-band accordion guy.  He said Russell liked his lederhosen and green felt hat.  Hmmm.  Maybe the ferret's gonna give up the rock star thing and go the polka route.

Jakey was out at some birthday party so I didn't get to talk to him.  Jess grunted at me for a few minutes, but apparently he's sulking in his room since he doesn't get to take Bridget out tonight.  Guess I'm still the Bad Guy, even though Momma's the Jail Warden.

Just got off Skype with Cate a little bit ago.  I've mastered it now, so my poor Wife won't get any break from my ugly mug, ha ha.  Or my ass, apparently.  I remember talking to her last night but don't really recall what I said.  Or did.  Cate said I was sweet and funny and very clearly drunk and horny.  And she reminded me that German wine is a lot more potent than what I'm used to.

And apparently I should hide my journal when I know I'm gonna be drinking, ha ha.  Though it is pretty amusing to read the next day.

It's raining here in Munich, and back in NYC.  Cate was working on some case stuff, just hanging out at home.  This morning she went to the gym and to the market, nothing exciting.  Just a boring day, she said.

I miss being boring with her.  And I haven't even been gone a week yet.

When I called she was being lazy, blowing off the case work she needed to do to watch YouTubes of last night's show.  She likes my new red jacket, asked if she can borrow it, ha ha.  I told her only if she would peel it off my body first.  Heh heh.

She also told me again she likes the new black shirt, but it's a little tight.  She calls it the "rubber shirt" ha ha.  And shit, I agree with her now that I've seen the pics.  That thing makes me look like I have a huge fucking gut.  I realize I'm not the skinny little punk I used to be, but Jesus... don't need pics of me looking like that flying out over the wires.

But I guess it's a little late for that, huh?

May have to tell Dawn to shelve that one for a few weeks, until I drop a few pounds.

I certainly can't wear it now, after eating my way through half of Munich tonight.  Thank God for t-shirts and shorts with elastic.

Stupid cabbage.


  1. Drunk Jonny giggles and moons a computer screen. Too funny.

    Another great chapter.

  2. Hee, hee. Catte saw the same pic from Dresden that I saw! JBJ with a little extra around the middle is somehow a whole lot more human. ;-)

  3. Awww, drunk Jonny is cute and funny!
    *goes to quiz her 13 year old internet wizard/criminal on how to steal skype signal*

  4. "love handles" ha ha ha, he's so generous he has generated more Jonny for us to grab n' bite! :p me likes to have a little more something to sink my teeth into mmmmuaaahhahahah

  5. After the German food you should drink a little Schnapps ;)))
    Thnx for this "journal", it's so funny)))

  6. Ahhh ok New Red Jacket??? Why haven't I seen this yet? Going to find pics I hope.
