Wednesday, June 22

8:15 am

Up early, couldn't sleep.  Having coffee out here on the balcony and running some scales and melodies on my Tak.  Practice makes perfect, or so they say.

Cate's still sleeping.  She's almost on London time and getting used to the vamp hours.  We went to bed around 2 am, after a delightful evening at a couple lovely local Pubs.  Neither of us drank much; we just enjoyed the company and being together in this great city.

When we came back to the room we poured a couple glasses of cognac and curled up together out here on the balcony, looked out over the city.  Just took time to relax and breathe and talk.

For the first time in the last couple days we talked about Operation Baby B, as she calls it.  Cate said she was a little disappointed when Aunt Flo showed up last week; she was really hoping she was pregnant.  But she knows this may take awhile, especially since we're at the mercy of our globetrotting schedules for the next couple months.  We just gotta keep trying.

Practice makes perfect when it comes to that, too.  Heh heh.

Cate seemed a little melancholy, kinda quiet and introspective.  Not sad or anything, just... gentle.  She told me how much she's missed me these past couple weeks, how she's been trying to stay wrapped up in her work but she just can't focus.

And she really surprised me when she told me something she technically shouldn't have.  I mean, I already know most of the story and this was kind of an update or epilogue or whatever... but still.  She told me where she was the last few days, and what she was doing.  The truth.  No cover stories or code words.

Cate was on Grand Cayman.  She had to go back to appear at some kind of court hearing and to give a deposition.  And not about her case.  About her attack.

The Cops caught the guys who tried to abduct Cate, apparently after they kidnapped and raped some other poor girl.  She had to go identify them as her attackers, then sit through whatever their court procedures are to charge them and get them set up for trial.  She also had to be deposed by the defense attorney, which was the reason for her delay in getting out of the country.

She has to go back when they go to trial.  She has to testify.  I fucking hate that idea, but at the same time I want to be sure these assholes get what they deserve.  Well, they won't get what they deserve, but hopefully they'll be locked up for a long damned time and they won't be able to hurt anybody else.

Of course Cate swore me to secrecy and of course I won't tell anybody.  I think she needed to tell me, to lift some of the burden from her heart as well as to be honest with me.  This is something she needs to share, to let somebody help her with.  Especially since she has to walk a fine line in this court proceeding, because she can't reveal her true occupation or reason for being in the Caymans when the attack happened.  She can't blow her cover or the case.  It's gonna be hard, but if anybody can pull this off, My Baby can.

I marvel at my Wife's strength and smarts.  I honestly don't know how she does it.  She makes me so proud.  I'm humbled that she agreed to spend her life with me, that she wants to bear my child.

And I'm so thankful she's here with me now.  Safe and sound.

1:20 pm

Is it ever gonna stop fucking raining?

Saw a story on the morning news about some guy in Denmark who's building an ark.  An actual, seaworthy ark.  He's filling it with a bunch of plastic animals right now but plans to get real ones.

Yeah, coulda used that damned thing in Helsinki.


  1. I look forward to reading each new entry. I'm loving the Russell thing. Too funny!!

  2. Did Russell reserve a spot for himself and Lisl on that Ark?
    BTW, we need this Ark in NJ today!!!
