Tuesday, June 7

7:20 pm

Getting ready to head out to dinner with the guys.

Went over to the venue today, stadium's looking good.  I forgot how fucking big that stage is.  Lotta room to run around on.  Assuming I'll be able to run.  It's a struggle just to walk, I'm so fucking tired.

Of course I didn't let that stop me from going to the gym.  Just stuck to the elliptical and weights today.  I'll do more tomorrow.

And my back's fucked again.  Had Dean give me an adjustment, made a visit to the spa for a massage.  Feels a little better but still stiff as Hell.  Thank God for naproxen.

Richie's bouncing around like he's a Goddamned teenager.  I'm glad he's feeling good, full of energy and zest for life, but... shut the hell up, ya Chipper Fuck.  Let the grumpy old man creak along in peace, ha ha.

I talked to Romeo earlier today, called him before he left for school.  Just him, not Jake or Jess or Steph or Mama.  A special call for my Buddy.  He sounded better, not so sad.  Even when he told me he misses me and wants me to come home.

I told him Russell slept like a Baby Weasel last night, curled up in his super-soft pillow.  In fact, he didn't want to get out of bed this morning and go to the gym.  So he stayed in and had room service and watched the news while I went down to work out.  Romey giggled at that idea.  He asked me what Russell had for breakfast.  When I told him eggs and fruit he reminded me that ferrets are carnivores so I have to be sure he gets chicken or steak for dinner.

Damned imaginary weasel's gonna double my room service bill, ha ha.

Anyway, it was a good call, got him off to a good start.  D texted me later and told me he was fine, went off to his classroom without a care in the world.  Thank God.  I don't think I can go through another call like last night.

So Romey's Ferret-Pic of the Day was Russell sitting on the edge of the fountain out in the hotel courtyard.  In other words, it was a photo of the fountain in the hotel courtyard.  But I'm sure Romeo will see his little pal there and think it's great.

I can see it now, I'm gonna come home and have to look at a scrapbook of crappy iPhone pics of random things from my trip, none of which will depict an actual ferret, ha ha. But if it keeps my Buddy happy, that's fine by me.

Cate's having a crap day so I didn't get to talk to her much.  She said she'll call me later when it's evening her time, which means about midnight-ish here.  These fucking time zone differences suck.  But at least it's not as bad as when we were Down Under before Christmas. I was way in the future then, ha ha.

And Jess texted me earlier just to say Hi.  That usually means he has something to tell me.  But he's in school now, so I'll catch up with him later.  Wonder what it is?

A pair of giant feet with a Sambora attached just wandered into my room, so guess it's time to make like a tree and get the fuck outta here.....


  1. "A pair of giant feet with a Sambora attached just wandered into my room"

    ROFLMAO!!!! best line yet!

  2. I almosty forgot about Russel! Love hearing about him! Haha!

  3. I just saw the pictures of them arriving in Zagreb! Richie does look GOOD! YUMMM!!!

  4. A pair of giant feet with a Sambora attached...LOVE IT!!!!

  5. And a giant something else attached too...ooops (going back to my comfy spot in the gutter...#JPM)
