Saturday, June 4

7:15 am

Up early this morning, getting ready to go for my run.

Cate and the boys are still sleeping; this is probably the only quiet time I'm gonna get all day.  The whirlwind week continues, will right up until I walk out the door tomorrow, headed for Europe.

I'm not complaining; I want to enjoy every last minute with my kids.  It's gonna be a long couple months until I'm back.

So, I am now officially the Daddy of a High School Graduate.  I was so damned proud yesterday, watching Steph walk across that stage in her cap and gown.  I'm surprised my face isn't frozen into a permanent grin.

I did okay until Dorothea slipped her hand into mine and gave me a little squeeze.  I looked at her and she just gave me that little smile that's always melted my heart.  She didn't have to say it, I could read her mind.  We did it together, raised this beautiful, independent young woman.

That's when the tears came.  And again after the ceremony, when Steph came over and gave me a big hug and thanked me for being her Daddy.

I'm such a Pussy.  But I can't help myself when it comes to my Princess.  Or any of the women in my life, actually.

After the ceremony we hung around for the reception, drinking punch and talking to the other Proud Parents and watching Steph and her friends pose for pictures and chatter on like the excited teenage girls they really are, underneath the makeup and pearls and high heels.  All I could see in my mind was that cute little blonde girl in pigtails, hiding her shoes in the freezer.

As proud as I was -- I am -- my heart broke a little yesterday.

Cate gave me a kiss then slipped away to let me and Dorothea have our moment; took Jakey and Romey over to the playground to let them run off all that spastic energy they saved up having to fidget their way through that long ceremony.  God Bless my Wife.  She gets me.  And my crazy kids.

After the reception we all went back to Dorothea's, then Steph had afternoon plans to go to some post-graduation pool party one of her friends was having.  Cate and I stayed at D's for awhile, I played with the Chuckleheads while the Girls went over last-minute plans for Steph's party tonight.

I love that Steph wanted to have her party out at the Jersey house, so it would be easy for all her friends from her old school to come.  She and Dorothea went out there last night; the boys slept over here.  Cate and I are taking them out to Jersey later this morning.  All the family should be arriving somewhere mid-afternoon, so I gotta be sure to get out there before lunch.

Dorothea will have my ass if she has to deal with La Famiglia Bongiovi on her own, ha ha.

Can't wait to see Stephie's face when I hand her the keys to her graduation present.  Dorothea and I always agreed not to lavish our kids with extravagant gifts just because we have the means, but this is an exception to that rule.  Stephanie has worked her ass off for the last four years, earning almost straight As and excelling at just about everything she's done.  She's held jobs, she's done volunteer work, she's been a Saint helping her mother with her Little Brothers.

She's gonna need a car for college.  And a cute girl like her needs a convertible, right?  Ha ha.  Dorothea even caved on that... in fact, she helped me pick it out.  A pretty little champagne-colored BMW.  It arrived at the dealership last week; they delivered it to the house yesterday morning.   It's hidden out in the back garage right now, already wrapped up in a big pink bow under the car cover.

That will be quite a moment, handing my Baby Girl the keys, watching her big blue eyes sparkle with excitement.

Dammit, I gotta stop this weepy shit.

Going out for my run.


  1. IT's so hard to believe that Stephanie is 18 much less a high school graduate. I'd be shocked if he didn't cry. But I agree with Baya Awwwww!
