Tuesday, June 21

1:25 am

Wide awake.

One of the downsides of sleeping 12 hours.  And of the Vampire Life.  Middle of the fucking night and you're nowhere near sleepy.

Poor Cate's completely fucked up.  She's crossed 9 time zones in the last 3 days.  She's trying her best to get in sync with my clock but it's not easy.  In a couple days she'll be up with me; we'll be able to actually enjoy her little vacation, I hope.  Think I'm gonna hop over to Paris with her for a day or 2 after Hyde Park, if she wants to.  Or maybe we'll just go straight to Dublin.  We'll see what she feels like doing.

Had a great evening out with my Wife.  Did a little shopping, had a nice candlelit dinner on the Thames.  She wasn't much in the mood to shop and was worried about me hobbling along on my cane and brace, so we didn't spend long in the boutiques.  She got the necessities; a couple pairs of jeans, a few tops, a pair of shoes.  Plus a few lacy little things at a lingerie shop.  That was fun, watching her try them on.  Heh heh.

Just got off the phone with the Kids.  I've been so out of it last couple days I didn't even realize I missed Father's Day.  I guess I do remember Jakey and Romey telling me "Happy Daddy Day" when we were in Denmark, but it kinda went in one ear and out the other.

But that also means I forgot to call my Dad and give him good wishes.  I feel like a shit for that, though I'm sure he understands.  Cate covered my ass though; sent him a gift certificate for a couple rounds of golf at that  resort he likes.  Now he can get away from Mom for a couple hours, ha ha.

So anyway, Jakey and Romey started their summer Arts Camp today.  Music and drama and filmmaking.  Jakey's eating that stuff up, of course.  It's only Day One and he's already been cast as the male lead in whatever play they're doing.  Of course, he can't remember what it is -- he just knows he's the Lead, ha ha.  That's my Boy.  Complete spotlight hog.

Romey said he had fun too; he likes the music part.  Totally into percussion.  Said he wants to be a drummer like Uncle Teek.  Guess Dorothea will need to soundproof his room too, ha ha.

Romeo asked me where Russell went today after he woke up from his nap with Cate; apparently Russell forgot to text.  I told Romeo he was out on a date.  Russell met some cute little Brit-Girl Ferret and they're off riding the London Eye, ha ha.  Romey didn't quite know what that meant.  Guess my sense of humor is a little over his head.

As for Jess, he started football camp today and is wiped out.  Says he's going to bed early, but I doubt that.  He'll be in his room texting the night away.  Turns out he had a pretty good weekend.   Dorothea suspended the last couple days of his sentence for good behavior and let him take Bridget out Saturday night, though she did tighten up curfew.

Jess and Bridget went out for dinner and to the movies.  I teased him a little about whether he got a goodnight kiss, and he actually kinda chuckled a little and said "Yeah, Dad.  I got a kiss."  Which tells me he got a little more than that.  Probably at least second base, heh heh.

Didn't get a chance to talk to Princess.  She's working at the Parrot tonight though she did text me to say Hi after she saw she missed her call.  Dorothea said that arrangement seems to be working out well so far; Steph loves having the Hamptons house to herself.  I'm sure she does.

So now I'm all caught up on what's going on back home.  And I'm wide fucking awake.

Wonder if Cate's up to a Pub Crawl?

11:25 pm

Russell went to Wimbledon today.  He thought it was really cool.  Sat on Cate's shoulder and watched the tennis ball flying back and forth over the net.  His little ferret head just went side to side to side to side to side to side....

Things got a little hairy when he decided he wanted to chase the ball.  Thank God he listens to Cate.

I love hearing Romey giggle like a lunatic when I tell him shit like that.  God, I really miss my Little Buddy.  Right now I'm living for August, when we can all just hang out on the beach.  But I'll get to see him next week too, when I pop back around home for some clean undies and a little 4th of July BBQ before we head to Turkey. Can't wait for that.  I miss my Kids.

Don't know if Russell will want to come back out on the road with us for July.  Think he may miss Romeo too much.

Cate was less impressed with Wimbledon than Russell was, ha ha.  She doesn't hate tennis, but she's not exactly a fan.  She did say it was pretty cool to be at such a prestigious event, though.  I think that was just her way of being nice and humoring her Husband, ha ha.

After the matches we went out for a light dinner (if there is such a thing in London), then came back here to meet up with some of the Gang.  Going out for a proper Pub Crawl tonight since we didn't do it last night.  Ended up just hanging out in the hotel bar.  What a bunch of Old Farts we are -- too lazy to even leave the damned hotel for a pint when all of London Town is right outside our door.  Pathetic.

Tomorrow I have to be up relatively early.  We have some press shit to do for Hard Rock, then gotta catch the jet to Edinburgh for the show.  Cate's a little bummed we won't have any time to sightsee there.  She was hoping to see a castle or a loch or something.  Knowing her she wants to track down Nessie, ha ha.

Turns out my lovely red-headed wife with the Irish maiden name is also a quarter Scottish.  Her father's mother was a Scot.  That explains a lot, ha ha.  I'll have to bring her back here later this year, when we have some time to relax and enjoy the sights.  Maybe I can find her ancestral castle or something and we can stay near there.  I'll add that to the to-do list for August, ha ha.  Genealogical research.

Gonna have to have something to keep me occupied when I'm laid up after my knee surgery.  Dammit, second time under the knife in 6 months.  That's gonna suck.  But at least this time I won't have to shave my balls.

Wifey-poo's ready to go, it seems.  Time to round up the Lads and hit the town.

Wonder if Russell drinks Guinness?


  1. Let Cate sleep! Take Russell! ROFLMAO!!! But do not take Vicodin!

  2. I just have to say Catte I just love this fic, its such a wonderful twist and lets us all get in his head which we've wondered a million times how scary it is to be there.

    I agree Bay Russell's had a hard few days he needs a drink too.
