Friday, July 22

5:25 pm
Dressing Room

Glued to the news, watching the chaos in Oslo.

Unfuckingbelievable.  It's like 9/11 again.  On a much smaller scale, but equally as horrible.  The scenes are terrifying.  People filling the streets, running away from buildings.

And a second attack on a political camp of some kind.  On teenagers.  Kids the age of my son and daughter.

What the FUCK is wrong with this world?

In the news footage I can see the hotel where we stayed last month.  It wasn't far from the government center at all.

Thank God we weren't there now.  We easily could have been.  Christ, first the thing with the hotel in Mexico City, now this.  No wonder Cate's always worried about me when I travel.  She knows way more about this sinister stuff than I do.

She texted almost immediately after it happened, to tell me she's going to be incommunicado for awhile.  The whole US Government is of course going into crisis/defense mode.  She couldn't say it, didn't have to.  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to think "Terror Attack" the second you see this news.  Cate said she won't be on Skype tonight, but she'll call when she can.

Chances are she'll be working through the weekend.  As selfish as it sounds right now, I just hope this doesn't interfere with her vacation plans, with her coming here.  I need to see her, to hug her and kiss her and let her tell me everything's okay, in our little corner of this nasty, fucked-up world.

And somehow I gotta tear myself away from this TV and get ready to go to work.  The show's still gotta go on here in Vienna, even as Oslo burns.


  1. very scary world we live in. that's popped into my head (that they were there recently) when I was listening to the news reports.
    stay safe guys!

  2. How sad is the world we live in!?!
    Makes you think twice before you decide to bring another child into this....
