Saturday, July 23

5:35 pm

Another city, another suite.  This one seems like a hole compared to that massive Penthouse in Vienna, ha ha. But it's not.  It's very nice, as most of them are.  Not like this is the Holiday Inn, ha ha.

Thank God I only have one more week of hotels left.

Talked to Cate from the plane.  She was just getting home, worked straight through the night last night in the Command Center.  Finally the office stood down a little, sent the Agents home.  Though the Analysts are still... well, analyzing, I guess.

She said she was so tired she can't even sleep.  To anybody else that might sound crazy, but I understand what she means.  All that adrenaline takes awhile to work out of your system.

I missed having my Skype date with her last night.  Made me realize how much I look forward to seeing her every day, even if it's only on camera.  We probably won't have a date tonight either, if she's asleep.  I told her not to worry about it, to take care of herself and call me when she wakes up.  Then if she's up to it we can  finalize our plans for Sardinia.

Renee did her usual bang-up job of finding some great  places for me.  She gave me a list of no less than 6 private villas that are available for week after next.  They're all gorgeous, all wonderful options.  Which of course means I can't choose one to save my life.  Gonna have to defer to the Wife on this one.  I'm sure she'll say "whatever you like, Baby," but I'm not letting her get away with that.   She's making this call.

Talked to Jess earlier too.  Today's his Big Day.  Bridget's birthday.  He's going all out for her; a box for Rain, dinner at Masa.  He even bought her flowers and balloons and a cake.  And somehow, despite his tattoo stunt, he convinced Dorothea to lift his curfew for the evening.  I told Jess he better not come stumbling in at sunrise or that will never happen again, ha ha.

I hope Jess and Bridget have a perfect, romantic night.  Every young couple deserves at least one, a special memory they can carry in their hearts forever.  Even if they drift out of each other's lives at least they'll have something sweet to hold onto, so when they're my age they can look back and smile.

And speaking of Jesse's Mother, I told her I'm delaying my return from Europe so Cate and I can enjoy a little vacation.  She was less than thrilled.  She tried to play the guilt card, told me how disappointed Jake and Romey are gonna be that they have to wait an extra week to go out to the Hamptons house with me.  When I told Dorothea they'll get over it, she did the "Well you're going to tell them, I'm not gonna be the Bad Guy" thing.

That kinda pissed me off.  I didn't expect her to be so bitchy about this.  And then the truth came out -- she and Ted scheduled a little getaway that week, since I'd have the Boys.  Now they're either gonna have to change their plans or Dorothea's gonna have to come up with something else to do with Jake and Romey.  Steph can't watch them, she's working.  And D ain't leaving Jesse in charge.

I probably could have been a little less snarky when I told D that's not my problem that she made plans.  After all, she didn't bother to tell me about them.  And yeah, I get that they're none of my business, but then again, my plans with my Wife aren't really any of her business either.  I could have just said "I'll be home on the 10th" and not told her why.

And then she hung up on me.

And this is why we got divorced.

Well, okay, not really... but still.  How fucking rude.

D did text me about an hour later, apologizing for hanging up.  It didn't sound much like an apology, but whatever.  She can call me when she decides she wants to be civil.  Until then, I'm not worrying about it.  I'm just gonna plan MY romantic getaway with my Wife.

And in the meantime, I'm gonna go out with the Boys and find a good pint of Belgian beer.


  1. Belgian beer...mmmmm yummm! I could go for a cold lambic myself now! Make mine a peach please!

  2. Haha, I was wondering what might have happened to Jesse with that tattoo. But Dot's attitude seems a bit off. Maybe she was just really looking forward to that week off from the Chuckleheads. But I'm sure Jon'll love his time with Cate after the last gig in Lisbon.

    But first, you've got that gig in Lisbon! I'ma going a long way to see it, hope its good!

    Thanks for these updates, I always look forward to reading them, even if I always don't get time to comment :)

  3. "Even if they drift out of each other's lives at least they'll have something sweet to hold onto, so when they're my age they can look back and smile." I LOVE this! =)
