Wednesday, July 20

6:55 pm
Dressing Room

In the Cone of Silence.  Just me and my tea and The Cookie.  Wonder what Cookie's got for me today?  I can use a laugh.

Still feeling a little down though I had a wonderful double-date with my Wife last night and this morning.  Not us with other people, ha ha.  That would be a little awkward.  Us going to bed together and waking up together.  Thank God we'll be doing that in person in a little more than a week.

Cate was a little late Skyping me last night.  Said she got caught up in some paperwork and time got away from her.  She seemed sad, so I wondered if maybe she was trying to pull herself together so she wouldn't be a Downer when we were talking.  But after the first few minutes she was fine.  So was I.

We talked honestly about our disappointment that she's not pregnant yet.  Of course her Logical Brain had told her all along it wasn't to be; timing wasn't right for conception last month, her body clock was all fucked up because of the traveling she was doing, she didn't have normal PMS symptoms because of stress and fatigue, yadda yadda yadda.

Problem is, her heart isn't logical.  Neither is mine.  There were a few tears, but we smiled though them and resolved to keep working on it.  I offered to bang her at the airport the second she steps off the plane next week, just to prove I'm gonna do my part.  That made her laugh.  Me too.

After that things were better.  We talked about the sightseeing we did yesterday, about what the guys are up to, how Richie's doing, about what's going on with her work.  We did a little planning/dreaming about our trip to Sardinia.  And of course we talked about the ever-so-Dreamy Mr. George Clooney.  Cate was trying really hard to keep the FanGirl hidden but I could see right through her.

I told her I promised George she'd cook dinner for him next time he's in NYC.  That made her squeak.  Actually squeak, like some silly little mouse.  It was adorable.

So after we talked and shared a glass of wine Cate asked me to sing.  I was happy to oblige.  She saw I did Spanish Harlem the other night and asked me what on earth made me decide to do that song, of all the old tunes I love.  I told her the truth -- I have no idea.  It just came to me.

I played it for Cate.  Along with some other old standards and some Frank, some Elvis, some Sam Cooke.  And some Stones, ha ha.  Can't all be sappy romantic music.  I even broke out Dean -- Return to Me and That's Amore.  In honor of our upcoming Italian Holiday.

By the end of the date she was smiling and singing along.

So we finally turned off the lights and snuggled down on our pillows before we turned off the Skype.  Then today we woke up and had coffee together.

It was nice.

Would love to have her here right now, but she's at work.  I'm getting a little spoiled by this Skype thing.  Wish I could just leave it on all the time and carry Cate around with me, ha ha.

 But she'll be here soon.

So ANYWAY.....  Wonder what kinda naughty stuff my Cookie Mistress is gonna say to me today?

By the way, it seems a lot dirtier now to actually EAT Cookie.  Heh heh.

"Wanna melt in my Mouth, or in my Hand?"

WOW.  She takes requests, ha ha.

Alright, time to Eat my Cookie (heh heh) and get my head on straight for this show.  We're on the final countdown... 4 to go until my Baby's here.


  1. Still think Cate is behind the cookies!

  2. Me too, just not sure how she's doing it. Hang in there guys - it'll happen! Just think of all the fun you'll have making that baby!
