Waiting for the car to the airport. Up and out, heading for Sin City.
Can't wait to get there and meet Dorothea and the kids. I wish Cate was gonna be there with us, make it a complete family vacation. But we'll have a fun weekend anyway, though I'll miss her.
Finally got a decent night's sleep. Since Cate went dashing out of the house Tuesday I haven't been able to get more than an hour or two at a time. Guess my old body finally said "enough" after I got done with the show last night. That was my first concert workout in a week. Guess I'm outta shape, ha ha.
Looking back at what I wrote in here last night makes me laugh. I did fall asleep on that couch. No gurney, though. Richie came in looking for mischief and found the old fart snoring. He laughed at me and poked me with a stick to wake me up--literally. For some weird-ass reason he was carrying around a yardstick. The Goofball--that's something one of my boys would do, just wander around with a yardstick, poking people for no reason.
Obviously Richie's the Original Chucklehead (like I didn't know that already). I asked him what the fuck he was doing with a yardstick and he gave me that impish grin and held the end of it up to his crotch, like he was measuring his dick. Braggart.
Anyway, after a shower I felt a little better but still didn't feel up to hitting the bar with the Boys. Just went back to the hotel and went to bed. But first I called Cate. She didn't pick up but she called me back about 10 minutes later, almost the minute my head hit the pillow. That was a nice. I was sure I wasn't gonna get to hear her voice before drifted off.
We talked for about 15 minutes; she sounded as tired as I felt. I don't really remember what all we talked about, just small chit-chat to hear each other's voices. I intended to sing for her but I was just too damned beat and I told her so. She gave me that sweet little throaty chuckle and assured me it was alright; I can sing to her tonight.
I was so damned tired I even forgot to tell her Dorothea and the kids are meeting me in Vegas. I'll tell her today when I get a chance to talk to her. If not, maybe I'll just text her a pic of the Chuckleheads at the craps tables or something, ha ha.
The one thing I DO remember asking her is where the hell she took that picture of herself on the beach. She chuckled again and said "Baby, you know I can't tell you that." Of course I whined about that. I guess she felt sorry for me so she gave me a hint, something she almost never does. She said "Baby, you're a very rich man. Think about it."
Of course I didn't get it last night, I was too damned tired. But I get it now. This case she has must have some sort of big-time fraud or corruption angle. She's chasing the money. And where do big-time criminals hide their money? Someplace with pretty beaches and blue water and sunshine, and iron-clad banking privacy laws.
Betcha she's in the Caymans.
Dammit, why can't I be there with her? I could stand laying on a beach with my wife right about now. Maybe we can do that during the tour break. Mmmm... the thought of us skinny-dipping in that bright blue water, rolling around naked on the sand, making love under the stars....
But first, Vegas.
And there's Matty at the door. Off and running....

11:20 pm
My Room
Little shits.
This is MY journal!!! No calling me PoopyHead in MY Journal!!!
My Boys make me laugh. And want to pull my hair out. And realize I better keep this thing locked in my briefcase when they're not around. God knows I don't need Jakey reading all about my sexcapades with my wife and about his big brother nailing his big sister's BFF.
Christ, I hope he hasn't already.
Nah, that kid can't keep his mouth shut for a second. I'd already know if he did. Plus he probably would have drawn all over the pages.
Had a great time with the kids and Dorothea tonight. We went to see the Cirque du Soleil Beatles show, "Love." I saw it last year with Richie and thought it was fantastic. I knew the kids would enjoy it, which they did. I'd like to catch the Elvis one too, but no time this trip. Maybe Cate and I can sneak out here for a little getaway sometime and catch it.
Speaking of Cate, I didn't get to talk to her today. Woke up this morning to a text from her that she was going to be out of contact most of the day and not to worry. She did send me a couple short texts this evening, but I can tell she's busy. They were just "I Love You" and "Call You Tomorrow" and "Sweet Dreams" and "Don't Trust Richie."
Ha ha. Cate knows me (and Richie) very, very well. Especially since I'm here in the Land of Legalized Prostitution.
My replies were "Yes Dear," "I Love You Too," "Be Careful," and "I Miss You." Just wish I could say them to her instead of typing them. Or better yet, I wish I could tell her in person. Then I wouldn't have to do the "I Miss You" one.
Jakey and Romey are bunking in my room tonight. I got adjoining suites for Dorothea and the kids and me. Figured D and Steph would take one and Jess and the Chuckleheads would take the other, then I'd have my own.
Apparently not. I have the Chuckles tonight. They want to sleep in my bed with me.
How can I tell them no? I don't get to spend nearly enough time with them. After all, tonight IS Family Night. Tomorrow night they better be in their own bed asleep before I even get back here from the after party. I'm sure Dorothea will enforce the bedtime rule with an iron fist.
But for tonight it's fine. Soon Jakey and Romey will be too old and too cool to want to do fun things like have a sleepover with their Old Man. In the blink of an eye they'll be moody, sullen, Hell-raising teenagers.
So tonight I get both Chuckles in my king-sized bed, which I'm certain will be way too small for the three of us. Or for the four of us, if you count Russell. Romeo promised me Russell won't poop on my pillow, ha ha. Excellent.
They should be tired by now, Dammit. But they're still wide awake, bouncing off the walls. I swear Dorothea somehow snuck them off and had them chug a Mountain Dew or something before she sent them to my room.
Jesus, it's gonna be a long night. No sleep for Daddy, I guess.
Alright you two... Lights... OUT!!!!
Wish I was on a beach too! :P
ReplyDeleteRich men - especially corrupt ones, tend to have a lot of ways of protecting their money...hope she's being very careful.
Richie...the biggest Chucklehead of them all! LOL! Measuring or poking from a safe distance?
LOL! I Love that addition from the boys, brilliant. Lets hope Jon's gonna get some sleep tonight, coz I have a feeling the chuckleheads are going to be rather lively!