Tuesday, March 8

1:15 am
My Room

Can't sleep.

Didn't feel like going out with the guys earlier.  Just came back here and laid around.  Still doing that.  But can't seem to shut my eyes and make my brain stop.

My sinuses are killing me and I need to get some sleep but I can't.  Goddammit.

So I'm just sitting here strumming on my guitar, thinking about my wife.  Singing her song.  And lullabyes.  I've had my head full of babies all day and now I'm making up songs for them.

First thing I'm gonna do for my Little Girl is write her her very own lullabye.  A Welcome to the World gift.  A song with her name in it.  Whatever that may be.  I think I came up with some good ideas -- Cate can't possibly hate them all, right?

I just know Cate and I will have a Baby Girl.  I can feel it in my heart.  The thought of having a little Cutie Pie in pigtails running around the house again makes me melt.  I miss Stephanie being little.

Hell, before I know it she'll have babies of her own.

But before that I'll finally be able to give her that little sister she always wanted.  Poor Steph's had enough of boys.  Well, boys that are related to her anyway.

Sorry Steph, that it only took me a couple decades to make it up to you, ha ha.  You'll still always be my Princess, though.

I miss my Girls.

God, I wish I could sleep.

11:20 am

It's official.  My wife thinks I'm a child.

Woke up this morning to find a text from her, telling me Good Morning and directing me to look in that side pocket of my suitcase.  That's where she usually hides the little presents she sneaks into my bag when I travel.    Guess I was so spaced out yesterday I forgot to check for goodies.

So I look, expecting to find a sexy piece of lingerie or a naughty little note, and what do I find?

A brand-new red Nintendo DS.  With games.

My wife the Smartass.  She was giving me grief for calling Jakey out on playing his DS backstage at the show Saturday, saying the only reason it bugged me was because I secretly wanted to play it.  Yeah, right.  I don't have fucking time for video games.  Plus if I did play one I'd lose interest in about 5 minutes.

I'm a Grown-Up.  The only time I play video games is when the Boys talk me into playing with them.

Oh, and there was a note.  With a little hand-drawn smirk on it.  It said "So you'll have something else to do with your hands when you're alone in your room."

Har-De-Har-Har.  My wife the Comedian.

Don't quit your Day Job, Baby.  Unless you're gonna come on the road with me.

Then I'd definitely have something to do with my hands.  Heh heh.

2:20 pm

Well Shit.  There's an hour and a half of my life I'll never get back.

Goddamn Pac-Man.

Wonder if I have time for one more game before they haul me off to soundcheck?


  1. Uh huh...and how long did it take you to pick up the game Jon? After all....the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.

  2. ROFLMAO I'm in love with your wife, too)))

  3. ROFLMAO!!!!!!!

    Pac-Man Jon?!?!?!? Pac-Man?!?!?!

  4. oh I love it!!! I didn't figure it would take long for him to fall under the spell of the DS...been there a time or two myself!

