Saturday, March 19

7:20 am

Seriously need coffee.

Chuckleheads are wide awake, racing around room, climbing on furniture, bouncing off walls.  It's 7 fucking o'clock in the Goddamned morning.  And I gotta work tonight.

I told them to go visit their mother.  They tried, she locked the door between our suites. Goddamnit.

Apparently they got enough sleep.  I didn't even come close.  Every 10 minutes there was a foot in my back or a hand in my face or the covers were getting kicked off.  At one point Romeo had his feet on the pillow next to my head.  Jesus Christ, they don't stop moving EVER.  Not even in their sleep.

I think I started to hallucinate somewhere around 4 am and/or the 30th time I woke up.  Coulda sworn I felt a ferret slithering down my back.  Goddamned Russell.

Well if I gotta be up so does everybody else.  Gonna call Dorothea right now and tell her to come get her Evil Spawn.  If she doesn't answer her phone I'm gonna pound the fuck out of her door until she's awake.

I'm gonna have to catch a nap by the pool later.

6:05 pm

Shit.  Think I might be in trouble.

I haven't talked to Cate today.  In fact, I haven't actually spoken to her since Thursday.  Just text messages.

And apparently I'm not the only one texting Cate.  My daughter has been, too.  She took a picture of me and Jake and Romeo out by the pool today and sent it to my wife along with a little note that said "We're having a lot of fun in Vegas with Mom and Dad.  Wish you were here too."

I know this because Cate just forwarded the text on to me.  With no comment of her own.

That was a sweet thing Steph did, thinking of her Stepmother.  I know she meant to let Cate know she was thinking about her.  The problem is, Steph didn't realize her Old Man is an idiot.

I didn't tell Cate that Dorothea and the kids were coming out here.  I meant to, I swear.  But when I talked to her the other night I was half-asleep and so was she.  And I haven't talked to her since.  I don't know why I didn't just send her a text; for some reason I had it in my head I needed to tell her this live.

I'm pretty sure she's not angry.  Well, she's probably a little ticked off that I neglected to tell her I wouldn't be spending the weekend on my own in Vegas.  But I'm positive she's not mad that I'm hanging out with my kids.  But spending time with Dorothea too... that's another matter.

Cate and Dorothea are friends, at least as much as an ex-wife and a wife can be, I think.  But considering what happened back in December and how Cate feels like an outsider when we're all together as a family, I think she might be a little bit hurt that Dorothea's here.

This was supposed to be our weekend together, mine and Cate's.  And now Dorothea's here instead.  Not as a replacement-- D could never replace Cate--but she's here.  Never mind that she's been off shopping with Steph most of the day while I was wrangling the Chuckleheads.  But we're all here together, having a good time, while Cate's not.

She's shut out again.  And I didn't even have the fucking consideration to tell her about my change of plans up front, when it happened.

I'm such an asshole.

I just tried to call her, just a minute after I got her text.  She didn't pick up.  I left her a voicemail telling her I'm sorry and asking her to call be before the show if she can.  I hope she does.  I need to talk to her, to let her hear in my voice that I really am sorry I didn't tell her about D and the kids and that it wasn't intentional -- it was just be being my typically Moronic male self.  Then I sent her a text saying the same thing, just for good measure.  And another one telling her how much I love and miss her.

Hope she doesn't just roll her eyes and delete them.

Jesus.  When am I gonna learn?


  1. "Coulda sworn I felt a ferret slithering down my back. Goddamned Russell."
    Jonny....they make meds for this!!!

  2. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk Jonny!!!!
    She just might tell Russell to bite Rocky!

  3. omg that was so funny the part with the kids! I can just see him trying to wrangle them being in one of his moods. And why are kids twice as hard to deal with on no sleep? It affects us all Jon~!
