Friday, April 8

Waaaaay past midnight
Bed waiting for Cate

Sooooooooo   I won a golf trip.  To scotland.  In the auction.

I don't fuking golf.

Cate doesnt golf.  She thinks is stupid.

But I bought her a case of wine from Clooneys vineyard in Naples.  Thats in  Italy.  Ill be in Italy this summer. To drunk more wine...

think I drank 1/ 2 a case of wine tonight.  my Glass kept refilling.

Jon STewart is one funny Fuck.  Him and Fallon had me laughing my Balls Off all night.

But theyre still there.  and they still Itch.  Goddammmit.  Scratch my b alls. Not too much, dont wanna hurt the boys. No more operations

Stweart danced with my Wife too. I told him to be fuckin careful, she has a bum shoulder. She can't pitch until after the AllStar break. Hahahahahahaha.

Ohhhhhh this pillow is so soft. i should take this pillow on the road with me.  And Cate

Cate came out of bathroom in her sexy soul jersey.  Shes naked under it I bet. Heh heh heh heh

Cmere Baby.... Let me

11:15 am

There's not enough Tylenol and coffee in the world.

Cate's out.  She left me a note.  She went to her physical therapy appointment, said she'll be home after lunch.  And that we need to decide what we're doing tonight.  We're supposed to go up to Mohegan to see Southside but I'm thinking that's not gonna happen.  I don't wanna be anywhere near a party tonight.

And apparently I should hide my journal before I go out for the evening.  Good grief.

Though it is kinda funny to read my wine-tinged ramblings, ha ha.  Apparently I was distracted there at the end.  That part I remember.  I remember Cate smacking my hands when I tried to undress her.  I also remember Superman saying "Fuck the Rules" and insisting he be allowed to leap out of his phone booth.

Cate was, of course, the Villain.  She told me if I couldn't behave myself she was gonna sleep in the guest room.  But I knew she didn't want to do that, so I just kept flirting and teasing and giving her my patented sexy smile.  And I begged.  She finally caved a little bit, let me make out with her a little.  But she made me keep my hands above the waist and keep my briefs on.  Dammit.

Don't know how I'm gonna survive two more damned weeks of no sex.  As if the itchy nuts aren't bad enough.  I'm itchy and horny, for fuck's sake.  I'll be completely crazy by the time I get the green light from the Doc.

Cate better look out when I get that high-sign, heh heh.  I just may knock her up on the first try.

Man, last night was fun.  Cate had a blast too.  How could you not have a good time at such a cool event?  Not only a great cause but always well-done, great entertainment, so relaxed.  Mario's team really does it up right.  And with the lunatics at our table we barely had time to eat, we were laughing so hard.

But of course we had time to drink.  And I'm pretty sure Fallon felt me up, ha ha.

Hmmm.  Should probably check out the details of this Scotland golf thing I bought.  Maybe I'll talk Cate into coming over with me.  We could just stay in some castle and blow off the golf part.  And she could blow on other things, heh heh.

Ugh... Need to find something to eat.  And some Motrin.  And go stand in the shower for about an hour or so.  Maybe then I'll feel human when Cate gets home.

7:15 pm
Jersey House
Living Room

Perfect way to spend a Friday evening.  Fire in the fireplace, watching the rain come down on the river.  It's misty and swirly and gray.  Phone turned off, some old Blues on the stereo, waiting for my Wife to come back in with some snacks.  Just staying in tonight, maybe watch a movie, maybe not.

Maybe just curl up together and enjoy the peace and quiet and each other.

And maybe talk about some baby names...


  1. Sounds like you're about to wake up with a nice hangover to go with your itchy balls Jonny! LOL!
    Why don't ya give the trip to David. He golfs. Tell him to take Teek instead of Lexi....

  2. couldn't agree more, golf is a stupid game!

    Hope the itching doesn't last too long

  3. Love the drunken ramblings LMAO!

    Poor Superman is itching to fly. Maybe Cate could send in the ground crew.

  4. "I also remember Superman saying "Fuck the Rules" and insisting he be allowed to leap out of his phone booth." Poor Superman, you will have to tie him up soon Jonny!! Otherwise, he's gonna leap out of his phone booth at any sight of flesh... LOL!
