Wednesday, April 6

9:30 am

I'm surprisingly chipper this morning for running on only 4 hours of sleep.

Coffee helps, ha ha.

Had an amazingly productive night last night.  It's been years since I wrote that effortlessly.  It's like somebody sliced open my skull and stuffed a bunch of ideas in my brain, then snapped it shut and pushed the "create" button.  Finished 4 songs, have hooks or choruses or stories for 5 more.  Gonna send 'em out to Richie today.  Not sure where they'll end up, but they're good.  Don't wanna keep 'em under wraps too long.

Funny how when your mental state is good your body feels so much better.  I'm still a little stiff, moving a little slow, but I feel a lot better today.  Can actually walk around without looking like I just got off a horse or like I'm severely constipated, ha ha.  Didn't even need the Tylenol last night.

Cate's doing better too.  I went with her yesterday to see her Ortho.  He's happy with the way her shoulder is healing, told her she can start physical therapy on Friday.  And she's cleared to go back to work on Monday. Boo.  Hoping I can convince her to goldbrick it for another week and stay home.  Can't be too careful with these shoulder injuries.  One false move and she'll never throw a curveball again, ha ha.

Besides, if she goes back to work next week who will entertain ME?  After all, I can't be trusted.  I might start feeling so good I'll decide to exercise or something.  Cate needs to be here to save me from myself, ha ha.

Tonight we get to return to Society, ha ha.  Cate and I are stepping out on the town, gonna go to the NAN reception and awards dinner.  Sylvia's one of the Honorees, as is Magic Johnson.  Bill Cosby is speaking.  That will be cool program.  And President Obama will be there.  So will David and Susan; I think David speaks this morning but I'm not going to the conference part.  I get enough of meetings and crap with the Foundation and the Business.  Plus that Committee I'm on, which is about to gear up again. Nope, no lectures for me, thanks.

Cate's always less than excited about these things since she's had to work so many of them.  And when she's there she's usually not paying attention to what's going on with the program; she's spotting all the security and watching the crowd, especially when I'm working the Press Line.  She just can't turn off the cop instinct.  I half-expect her to grab me and make a run for cover if a champagne cork pops, ha ha.

But tonight she's humoring me, going along because she knows it's important to me.  Such a supportive Wife. Plus she loves Bill Cosby, so she'll at least be somewhat entertained.  And I get to see her all dressed up.  I love that.

In fact, maybe I'll sneak out this morning and get her something special to wear with her dress-up clothes.   She can't keep me under House Arrest forever, ha ha.

And we DO need more coffee....

11:05 pm


Guess that lack of sleep is catching up with me.  And I'm not quite as healed as I thought.  Thank God the awards ceremony was an early evening event.  I was wiped out by the time we were done.  And ready to come home and take a couple Tylenol.

The Reception was great.  It was nice to get out and about, do something not related to the music game.  That's one of the things I enjoy about hanging in the political circles; most of the eyes in the room are on somebody else.  I'm a curiosity, but not much more.  People usually just give me a double-take and maybe smirk a little -- probably wondering if I have any clue what's going on at their party -- then focus their attention on whoever the Big Dog of the moment is.

Fine by me.

Cate turned out to be the "It Girl" at the Reception, ha ha.  Of course she had no idea it was coming, neither did I.  But as we mingled our way through the room with David and Susan we found ourselves face-to-face with the Attorney General.  And what's the first thing he said?  "Ah, Agent Sullivan, I was hoping you would be here tonight.  And it's so nice to see your Husband here as well."

WTF?  I don't often get called "Mr. Sullivan."  I kinda like it, ha ha.  Anyway, then Mr. AG asked Cate how she's feeling, how her recovery is going.  And he said he was personally briefed on the work she did "in the field" (he was careful not to give away where Cate was, Dammit) and he is both impressed by and grateful for her selflessness and sacrifice.

Cate of course kept her cool, but I could feel her tense a little bit.  She was clearly as surprised as I was.  She was very gracious and thanked the AG and made some light remark about "all in the Line of Duty, Sir."  But I could tell it made her feel good that her sacrifice didn't go unnoticed.  Made me feel a little better about it too, though I'm still pissed as Hell she had to go through that horrific ordeal all alone.  At least the people on the inside know the truth, aren't trying to hide behind some lame-ass taxi crash story.

Anyway, throughout the night at least a dozen more politicos came up to Cate and gave her their best wishes for a speedy recovery.  Even the President himself thanked her for her sacrifice.  I wonder if he knows what really happened to her?  If this case is such a big deal the AG knows about it, then would Obama?  Then again, maybe the AG knows because it involves an agent injured in the line of duty.

Who knows.  Thinking about it makes my head hurt.  And my balls already hurt.  So that's both ends.

Overall it was a nice night, though.  Cate looked absolutely beautiful in that purple gown of hers, and she used a pretty silk scarf as her sling.  And the smile she gave me when I fastened her new silver and amethyst bracelet around her pretty wrist was just radiant.  She forgave me for sneaking out of the apartment earlier to get it for her, ha ha.  I didn't go far, just a couple blocks.  Totally worth the trip.

The program was short and sweet and entertaining.  All the honorees had great introductions and speeches, and Dr. Cosby was fantastic.  He is one of the few men in America who can be so blunt and in-your-face about issues of race, yet still entertain you with his wit and charm and challenge you to think.  He's a true American treasure.

So anyway, by the time we caught our car back home Cate and I were both drained.  First thing we both did when we walked in the door was head straight for the medicine cabinet.  Now we're both drugged up and in a happy state of relaxation.

Time to curl up around each other and close our eyes and dream happy dreams.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm Jon, will you be able to wear dress pants though?
